Tuesday 5 August 2014

Why the Focus T25 Meal Plan works?

T25 Meal Plan

The T25 Meal Plan is a nutrition guide developed by Beachbody to complement the T25 workout program. This meal plan is structured to help you replenish and fuel your body by eating the right types and amounts of food each day. The meals suggested in the plan are also readily available and affordable to ensure you sustain eating these types of foods for the duration of the program or for as long as you can. One important advantage of this meal plan by is the fact that the recipes provided are quick and simple to prepare and guarantee you a well-balanced nutrition quickly.

The T25 Meal Plan consists of the following:

·       Overview / The 4-Step Calorie Quiz. This provides a description of various health and nutrition aspects to expect of the plan. Additionally, it gives you an opportunity to understand your nutrition needs through the quiz.

·       Suggested Calories Per Meal. These are the defined calories per meal that you should be consuming on a daily basis.

·       Want More Customization? Here, the meal plan helps you to choose which plan to follow if you’re trying to lose a lot of weight versus trying to shed a couple pounds.

·       Nutrition Troubleshooting. Helps you to customize which foods you should be consuming if you’re still feeling hungry throughout the day. Ex. More protein or more Carbohydrates to implement.

·       25 “Keep it Real” foods. T25 Meal Plan provides a variety of natural foods that are nutritious, delicious and affordable that will keep you healthy due to their great natural nutrients.

·       Recipes. This is the final item in the plan and consists of well-structured and easy to try recipes. 25 Recipes, 5 Ingredients and 5 minutes to prepare. Each recipe equals 1,200 calories.

Achieving your goals:

Just like every other program, achieving your meal plan goals involves a number of aspects. In this context, the first aspect involves understanding yourself and what the body needs. T25 Meal Plan provides a number of questions to guide you i.e. what is your gender, weight and activity level? Answering these questions correctly helps you to know whether you should eat the 1,200-calorie level or the 1,600-calorie level (The 4-Step Quiz) On the other hand, counting the calories in your foods should not be the only goal since there are a variety of nutrients you need found in different foods. Use the meal plan as a guide to assist you and give you ideas. Finally, you should plan your meals ahead of time to help you stay on track.



The T25 Meal Plan was created by Beachbody to help enhance a healthy and well maintained body for the T25 workout program. It also aims at boosting the body metabolism by ensuring continuous digestion of food. This is achieved by eating small portions of food 5 times a day: Breakfast, Snack #1, Lunch, Snack #2 and Dinner. By doing this, you will stay full longer, helping you to consume less at each meal, consuming less calories. So skipping a meal is not recommended and does not guarantee for better T25 results.

25 easy to prepare recipes, 25 nutritious  foods to eat, a guide to help supplement if you should be consuming more protein or carbs and Beachbodys online resources available to you anytime is a sure guarantee for your weight loss and fitness success.



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